Friday, 22 April 2011

First stimming update!

I'm back from my first ultrasound and blood test on this, day 5 of stimming.... the results are in:

Estrogen: 275
L: follies at 12 and 11 plus some small
R: follies at 12, 11, 10 plus some small
Endo: 8mm

So how am I feeling? Pretty happy, I think! I was perhaps hoping for a few more follies, but that was probably unrealistic. My antral follicle count a couple of cycles ago was about 10-12 but I didn't know how reliable a measure that was/is. So for some reason, I was hoping for 15 follies which might well be physically impossible!

Now I'm just hoping that some of those small ones (Doctor said about 2-3 each side) join their big brothers and sisters and get in the game :)

Main reason for my sense of peace right now is my endometrium... I know that 8mm is the minimum recommended for transfer (at least, that's what Zi.ta says) and, in my previous IUIs, I only got to 8mm the day before the procedure with the help of estrogen tablets. You may remember that one Dr said I would need a D&C before having IVF because my endo was so thin.. or at least aspirin and viagra. But today the Dr (a different, more experienced one) was completely happy with my 8mm :)  And hopefully it will continue to grow all nice and warm and soft ready for an embie or 2!

So I'm continuing with the same meds and feeling optimistic. Maybe the acupuncture with Dr F is really having an effect, both on my endo and my mood... I've never felt this chilled out about something so incredibly important to me :)

By the way, the picture is one I sneakily took at my clinic. You can see the guys and gals gathering round the consultation room window hoping to get seen first. Inside this room there was probably a woman in stirrups and/or being given life-changing news... better than TV, eh?!


  1. I am sooooo happy for you! That is an awesome estrogen level and a great lining thinckness! Yeah! I can't wait to see how great this cycle is going to be as it progresses. your descriptions of infertility care in China make me laugh and cry at the same time...but the picture...that is definitely going to give me nightmares. I am such a private person. I don't like being able to hear people talking through the thick walls and wooden door of the exam rooms when I am in the stirrups. I just can't imagine what you go through. You are seriously a trooper. (And, I admit...that picture is still a little funny.)

  2. That sounds like great news. the doctor shoots out numbers and I have no idea what it is supposed to be. She just says good. And I am utterly nervous. It is is hard not to be relaxed when what is happening is so utterly important to us. That is probably why I am an emotional wreck right now:)
    hey..thanks for the award..very sweet:) I am so excited!!!

  3. yay for being happy! yay! and thanks for the insider's look at your "interesting" clinic...way to adapt to your "interesting" clinic, too, as you seem to be taking it all in stride! oohh....and thanks for my award

  4. Great news... your follicles will definitely grow and fantastic result for your endometrium - what a lovely home for your little ones :)) Sending you lots of growing vibes over the long w/end xoxo

  5. Love the picture! And also love the stats for far! Hope those numbers get higher and higher with each post.

    Thanks for the blog award - I'll try to get it passed on shortly. I'd wondered exactly where in China you are. Before I met my hubby, he worked at the consulate there in Shanghai. I taught English in Wuxi and spent a good deal of time in Shanghai. It's been interesting hearing about your adventures there!

  6. Such good news! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
