Thursday, 14 April 2011

About time!

For once, I am genuinely pleased to see my period show up (well, given that I've already POAS and know I'm not pregnant!)...  My spotting started yesterday and today it got going proper (3 days late). I'd already done my 0.1mg downregging shot this morning, so I'll have to go to the clinic tomorrow for them to show me how to halve it using the prepared syringes I have.

So I guess I'll count tomorrow as CD1... or should I count today? I read somewhere that CD1 is the first day that you wake up bleeding (which sounds so dramatic, doesn't it?).  Will it make any difference? I go back on CD5 for bloods, baseline ultrasound and presumably to start my stim meds. Part of me wants to go sooner rather than later to get going with the next step... what do you think?


  1. My doctor described it as the first day 'full flow not spotting,' which for me, tmi, is day 3 I wake up bleeding so I just count from the first day I wake up bleeding, as you say.

  2. Congrats to the next step! This must be the only time Aunt Flow is welcome..

  3. yay for getting going. my doc says that day 1 is the first full flow bleeding before 6pm. (ahh yes, IF is an art/guessing game and not a science, as we can't even agree on the definition of day 1).

  4. Definitely an art!... I went for yesterday as day 1 which means I get to go in for baseline tests on Monday. I figure that makes it day 4 or 5 which both sound OK, given that originally I was asked to go in on day 3. Thanks for the help!

  5. Great that you can get going on this cycle... our clinic says that first "full" day of bleeding (so if AF arrives late in the day - CD1 is the next day) - maybe ask them to be sure :)) Cheering for you all the way during your cycle xoxo
